Wednesday 2 November 2011

Lifestyle movie reviews

There was a time when the adage used to go ‘It’s A Man’s World’. But today, it is different. It is the women who call the shots while man has to agree/cooperate/listen. Recently, a survey was undertaken and this involved women aged between 20 to 50 years, both working and housewives.
The subject was what they wanted from a man. Most of them mentioned that they need a man who can listen not hear. Some made it clear that household chores like groceries, washing must be shared. Another demand is that man should show chivalry whenever the situation demands.
Their partners spending time with friends and late hours with them is no longer entertained by women. Accompanying them for shopping is mandatory. As for the activities in bed, the women maintain that a man must check her moods before making any advances. While the list continues, these are few notable ones for the Gentlemen to follow. Make a note folks.

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