Thursday 27 October 2011


Starring: Kamal Haasan, Meera JasmineJayaram
Direction: Saji Surendran
Music: M Jayachandran
Production: Tomichan Mulakupadom
Four Friends, the Malayalam multi-starrer, which did middling business in Kerala has found its way into theaters in Tamil Nadu; presumably because it features a one-scene cameo by Kamal Haasan. Did the producers believe that just the presence of Kamal Haasan is enough to evoke interest in the Tamil audience, or did they believe in the strength of the story to woo the audience? The fact that the movie stars Jayaram, Jayasuriya and Meera Jasmine, who are already familiar to Tamil audiences, besides Kunchako Boban, might also have prompted the decision to go in for this Tamil release.
Anbulla Kamal is the story of four terminally ill people who come together and decide that their last days on earth must be worth remembering, that they must leave no wishes or duties unfulfilled when their time comes, which they know, is not too far away. The film takes us through the emotions of each of these characters as they forge a bond amongst themselves and also try to do those final calls that are very close to their hearts. Funding their dreams is the richest among them all, who realizes that even all his wealth is not going to save him from fate. While they still remain active and continue to pursue their most ardent wishes, it is evident to us that they have also resigned to their fate. That is when they receive a beacon of hope in the form of someone who has seen people around him fight and even win the battle against terminal illness.
The best thing about the movie is that it proposes no magic cure, no spiritual remedy; not even some hospital in the USA which can do a one-surgery treatment to give them back their lives. Terminal illness is shown in its stark reality without sugar coating the facts. The message is loud and clear that no medicine is as powerful as the human spirit and the will to live life to its fullest. While we have all heard about names like Lance Armstrong who fought and won against terminal illness, this film gives us names of people closer home, people whom we can identify with, who have fought with undying spirits. Not all of them could win, but they did live life with hope and courage, doing what they like to do best. That, in very simple terms, is what Anbulla Kamal tells you.
You are told very early in the film that the four protagonists are terminally ill. There descends the heavy pall of gloom and impending death. That hangs over the film like a dark cloud all the way. How much ever the director tries to make things colorful and cheerful by taking us through the development of their friendship or through their attempts to get all their wishes fulfilled, the film constantly carries a gloomy mood, which makes it weary for us after a point of time. The heavy emotional content weighs down anything presented in the form of entertainment, even the songs and the bright locations.
One wonders whether the quality of dubbing has anything to do with this. Jayasuriya has been given space in the script for comedy, but dubbing in the local Chennai flavor for him seems grossly overdone and destroys whatever little fun it would have brought. The only silver lining in the cloud is the rather beautiful message of hope and courage which is given out citing examples whom we can relate to. And, Kamal Haasan makes a one-scene appearance. Taking a theme that deals with terminal illness and impending death and making a cheerful entertainer out of it without ridiculing the seriousness of the ailment is a tricky balancing act. It was once executed beautifully by Hrishikesh Mukherjee in Anand. The director of Anbulla Kamal could have taken a cue from there.
The film has some good music, but as said before, it gets subdued in the big shadow cast by the central theme. The opening remix of ‘Yeh dosti’ from Sholay is, however, an exception. All the performers have pitched in with good portrayals, but no one really stands out. Camera has tried hard to capture some colorful frames and has done fairly well.
Anbulla Kamal is a film that delivers a very beautiful message on life; like Rocky Balboa said ‘ain’t nothing over until it’s over’. But, the theme of illness and impending death elbows out the more cheerful parts on friendship and life, which makes the film a heavy and rather gloomy experience. Obviously, the treatment could have been different. And, why was the film named Anbulla Kamal; just because Kamal Haasan appears in one scene! Isn’t that a bit misleading?

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